Healing Arts
Rosanne has been a certified Matrix Energetics practitioner since 2010, although her interest in energy medicine began decades ago.
In her skin care practice, while she enjoyed making someone's skin look beautiful and helping them feel relaxed, she noticed there was a need to do more. Clients were stressed, sick, or in pain so she started working with different methods of healing. It was Dr. Bartlett and Matrix that seemed to bring it all together.
Several years ago, Rosanne experienced severe back pain, which persisted for months. Nothing seemed to help. She was considering back surgery until a friend encouraged her to have a Matrix Energetics session. The session was done remotely and, yet, within days everything started changing. Not only did the back pain disappear but many areas of her life shifted in a more positive way. She had more energy. She felt more creative. It was as though a veil had lifted, one she hadn't noticed was there, and the list goes on! It was then that she decided she needed to learn more and so began her studies in energy medicine.
In 2009, prior to becoming a practitioner, she offered complimentary Matrix sessions for one year to all her clients and the results were nothing short of amazing. That year she did over 800 sessions! Her clients not only loved the experience but the physical and emotional changes were profound. Her skin care practice morphed into a healing practice where the majority of her clientele now request a healing session either by itself or combined with a facial.
Healing Arts Services
Customer Reviews
"My husband and I have had many Matrix sessions with Rosanne, mainly distance, as we are on opposite coasts; but, distance is apparently no problem when working on the Quantum level. She is definitely gifted; and has impacted some of our very real physical conditions, as well as aspects of life that feel stuck in any way. One evening I was experiencing an extremely elevated heart rate with arrhythmia, a condition that leads to an ER visit if not normalized fairly quickly. My husband called Rosanne, and within minutes of her work, my heart rate and rhythm was restored to a steady quiet beat. I have not had a reoccurrence and it has been almost a year. This "energy medicine" has worked for us in many different ways, and we feel blessed to have her in our lives."
June Brought
"To my Dear Rosanne,
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
I just finished listening to your audio and felt this to be a very powerful session (not that the others weren't).
I am so grateful that you and your gifts are a part of my earthly life. Can't ask for more.
Love, love, love"
"Rosanne approaches her Matrix work with an open heart and an open mind. Since I have been receiving Matrix treatments I have been amazed by what she can intuit, access and shift in my physical, emotional and spiritual life. I feel as if she has joined me on my life path to healing old patterns and chronic illnesses. . .She is kind and wise and listens with her heart."